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Singulair Related Loss of libido

Official Government Database Reports6
Online Conversations5

Extracted from FDA Adverse Event Reports for all drugs with the same active ingredients. To view the active ingredient report, please click here.

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Druginformer Identified Side Effects: Lethargy, Anger, Memory impairment, Anxiety, Apathy, Depression, Loss of libido, Suicidal ideation, Weight increased, Distractibility

Posted By Anonymous in askapatient.com on August 31, 2013 @ 12:00 am

... I've never had before), apathy, angst, distraction, forgetfulness, hate and anger. It severely messed with my marriage and ability to be a good mother. I became unable to function normally. This is th...

Druginformer Identified Side Effects: Loss of libido, Mood altered, Weight decreased

Posted By Anonymous in askapatient.com on January 22, 2012 @ 12:00 am

Side Effects: Nothing but good things. This has been a life changing drug on my part. I almost never have attacks, I can exercise and have lost 5 pounds already because i am able to exercise. I ha...

Druginformer Identified Side Effects: Headache, Fatigue, Abdominal discomfort, Dry skin, Abdominal pain upper, Drug ineffective, Loss of libido

Posted By Anonymous in askapatient.com on July 24, 2008 @ 12:00 am

... from individuals?? Anyhow, after a week of the combo, I decided to try each separately to assess where the different side-effects were coming from. I experienced headache and stomach pain on Singula...

Druginformer Identified Side Effects: Pruritus, Anxiety, Premenstrual syndrome, Depression, Irritability, Loss of libido, Mood altered, Suicidal ideation, Emotional distress, Negative thoughts

Posted By Anonymous in askapatient.com on June 18, 2008 @ 12:00 am

... Singulair (10mg) and Zyrtec (5mg) which had been prescribed for my asthma and allergies. After about two days of a real funk (withdrawal) and two weeks of extremely itchy skin (Zyrtec withdrawal) I b...

Druginformer Identified Side Effects: Depression, Loss of libido, Mood altered

Posted By Anonymous in askapatient.com on June 28, 2007 @ 12:00 am

Side Effects: mood change, depression, loss of sexual appetite Works great on my asthma-- but really messes with my mood. I thought it was just me... It is not. They need to retest this ...

* Warning: The facts and figures contained in these reports are accurate to the best of our capability; however, our metrics are only meant to augment your medical knowledge, and should never be used as the sole basis for selecting a new medication. As with any medical decision, be sure to work with your doctor to ensure the best choices are made for your condition.

* About FAERS: The FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) is used by FDA for activities such as looking for new safety concerns that might be related to a marketed product, evaluating a manufacturer's compliance to reporting regulations and responding to outside requests for information. Reporting of adverse events is a voluntary process, and not every report is sent to FDA and entered into FAERS. The FAERS database may contain duplicate reports, the report quality is variable, and many factors may influence reporting (e.g., media attention, length of time a drug is marketed, market share). For these reasons, FAERS case reports cannot be used to calculate incidence or estimates of risk for a particular product or compare risks between products.